- Why Myokinetix is focused on deviating from the conventional approach to healthcare and supplement recommendations.
- How Creatine is an extensively studied supplement, that offers benefits beyond athletic performance, as it supports cell efficiency in the brain, heart, and muscles.
- Why including protein in every meal is vital for muscle repair, maintenance, and satiety, making whey protein an excellent and convenient supplement to help achieve your goals regardless of your hectic lifestyle.
When you walk into your local health or supplement store, whoever works there will likely ask you what you’re looking for and make a few recommendations for the supplements they LOVE. The truth is, employees at these stores only recommend the supplements they get a commission for. They tell every person who walks through the doors that a particular brand of supplement they’re looking for is “the best in the store” because, to their paycheck, it is.
At Myokinetix, we’re breaking the traditional healthcare mold, and that includes the supplements we recommend. We’re not here to sell you something to make a buck; we’re here to help you become the healthier person you want to be. That’s why we’ve affiliated with Thorne Supplements, and we’ve chosen to partner with them because we completely trust their formulation. Thorne is an NSF Certified manufacturing facility with the most extensive line of NSF Certified for Sport® nutritional supplement products.

Supplements can only bear the “NSF Certified for Sport®” label if NSF tests every batch of product the manufacturer makes — not the manufacturer, but NSF! — to ensure there is zero presence of more than 200 substances banned by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency and the World Anti Doping Agency. And while Thorne makes many incredible supplements, we want to highlight the two we love the most: Creatine and Whey protein.

Creatine is the most researched supplement globally, and its benefits can help more than just athletes. Everyone’s body naturally produces creatine and uses it to help maintain cell efficiency in the brain, heart, and muscles. This makes creatine an excellent supplement for anyone who is looking to help their body perform at its highest level, both mentally and physically.

Consuming protein with every meal is crucial as it is essential for muscle repair, maintenance, and satiation (feeling full). But sometimes, getting the proper amount of protein is hard if you’re busy. That’s why we recommend whey protein as a quick and efficient supplement anyone can use to accomplish their goals, no matter how busy life gets.
If you want to try creatine or whey protein to reach your goals, you can order them through us. Plus, when you buy through Myokinetix, your first order will be 30% off. Just click here to elevate your evolution!