Nicholas Pipher
Senior Media Coordinator
Hello There! (yes that is a Star Wars reference). I graduated from Arizona State University in 2022 with a Bachelor’s degree of Digital Photography and Media. Pursing a career in photography was not my original dream, I actually wanted to be a Pharmacist but quickly realized it was not something that was going to make me happy. However, I always knew I loved the arts from cooking, music and especially photography. So when I realized how much I hated pharmacy school I bought myself a camera to deal with some stress and next thing I knew I dropped out of pharmacy school and decided to purse a career in photography. I have always liked helping people and try to understand what they are going through. The best part is when I show up to work here I get to do that with my photography/videography work. Through my photos and videos of the patients they can see how far they truly have come from the start of their journey with us!
On the personal side I love Disney and Star Wars. They are my two of my three loves in this world. My third is my beautiful fiancé. Fun fact we actually met in Disney World! We both happened to do the College Program and worked for Disney at the same time and met working at BlackLot Express in Hollywood studios!
If you see me when you come in say Hi! I love to talk, ask me “what’s the fun fact of the day?” Trust me I have a bunch!